Osteopathy treatment is a type of complementary medicine which works on balancing the body's systems and removing pain by working on the joints, muscles and ligaments.
I look at the patient as a whole person and not just the area of pain or stiffness. A first appointment includes a full case and medical history, assessment, examination, t
Osteopathy treatment is a type of complementary medicine which works on balancing the body's systems and removing pain by working on the joints, muscles and ligaments.
I look at the patient as a whole person and not just the area of pain or stiffness. A first appointment includes a full case and medical history, assessment, examination, treatment and treatment plan. I may also prescribe some exercises for you and advise some simple lifestyle changes like sitting posture at work.
Animals can suffer with aches, pains and stiffness just like people do.
My animal osteopathy treatments could help keep your beloved pet pain free and mobile so you can really enjoy your time together.
I mainly treat dogs and horses of all shapes and sizes but I will happily have a go at treating any animal. As well as dogs and horses I h
Animals can suffer with aches, pains and stiffness just like people do.
My animal osteopathy treatments could help keep your beloved pet pain free and mobile so you can really enjoy your time together.
I mainly treat dogs and horses of all shapes and sizes but I will happily have a go at treating any animal. As well as dogs and horses I have treated a ram, a beard dragon and a donkey.
A first appointment consists of a full case history and medical history, examination and assessment, hands on treatment and a treatment plan.
I believe all animals should live a life without pain and love being able to help them do so.
Please note there may be a surcharge for petrol if over 25 miles from Norwich.
If you would like to book a consultation or if you have any other questions, please get in touch by call, email or using the contact form below.
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